Money & Legal
1. Government Legislation
It is vital that you understand your rights as an employee, they are protected by law and government policy and there's a wealth of advice available online to help you - these links might help if you need guidance on tax, working hours statutory pay benefits, paternity/maternity pay or insight into government policies around employment.
Direct Gov - the online portal to Government
HM Revenue and Customs
2. Equality & Diversity
For advice around Equality, Race and Diversity contact the experts.
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS)
The Equality and Human Rights Commission
The British Council
3. Age Discrimination Citizens Advice
If you need advice on Age as an employment issue contact the experts
Age UK
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS)
Citizens Advice Bureau
Employers Forum on Age
4. Disability
If you need advice on Disability as an employment issue contact the experts
Royal National Institute of Blind People
British deaf Association
5. Bullying in the workplace
If you need advice on Bullying in the Workplace contact the experts
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS)
Trades Union Congress
6. Lesbian, bi-sexual and gay
If you need advice on Lesbian, Bi-Sexual or gay issues in the workplace contact the experts
7. Gender
If you need advice on Gender issues in the workplace contact the experts
Government Equalities Office
The Gender Trust
8. Parenting
If you need advice on Parenting issues and the workplace contact the experts
Gingerbread for single parent equal families
Daycare Trust
9. Sickness, pay and unfair dismissal
For advice on your statutory rights around the issue of sickness and pay contact the experts
Department for Business Innovation and Skills
Department for Work and Pensions
The Equality and Human Rights Commission
10. Social Advice
Homelessness and custodial sentences can create challenges around accessing employment these links provide access to expert organisations who can help and advise you
Homeless Link