The Priory Group is Europe's leading independent provider of acute mental health services, secure and step-down services, specialist education, complex care and neuro-rehabilitation services, working in partnership with the public and independent sectors.
Our purpose is to work with our patients, residents and students to help them take control of their lives and achieve their maximum potential.
Our objectives are to become an integral part of our public mental healthcare and education systems, to contribute to the innovation and development of care and education, and to care.
Priory's acute psychiatric hospitals offer a comprehensive range of successful, evidence-based inpatient, outpatient and day patient treatment programmes and therapy services for a wide variety of mental health issues, including depression, addictions, eating disorders and child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS).
Priory Secure Services is a specialist provider of secure mental health services working in partnership with the NHS.
Priory's complex care hospitals and neuro-rehabilitation centers treat people with enduring mental and physical illnesses, restricted mobility and challenging behaviours that are often the result of organic, degenerative or neurological problems and whose needs cannot be met in conventional environments. Priory's neuro-rehabilitation centers care for people with a wide range of acquired or progressive neurological disorders, including brain injuries and illness, spinal injuries, brain haemorrhages and stroke.
For further information please visit our website